Tickets available now for Slovakia tour dates 2025. With Special guests Stanislav Počaji and Asia Smolková.
Ibanez Acoustic Masterclass tour with Guitar Guitar – The place for anyone looking to expand their knowledge on acoustic skills, across 4 guitarguitar branches in the month of August: Glasgow, Edinburgh, Epsom and Birmingham. Run by two exceptional Ibanez artists, Pete Kent and Chris Woods, this masterclass will be all about advanced techniques. Attendees will be able to try out an extended selection of Ibanez acoustic guitars as part of the event. More info from…https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/news/142155/
The yearly creative acoustic workshop weekend with Guitar Retreats is now sold out. Head to https://www.guitar-retreats.co.uk to sign up for next year or join the reserve list.
Chris is the guitarist to take you through the features on the new acoustic amp from BOSS. An update on an iconic amp…
‘First 50 Fingerstyle Patterns You Should Play on Guitar’ Book Published by Hal Leonard, part of the First 50 Series, is out now…
Chris will be performing a concert at MIGS 2023 tickets can be purchased from here for the concert and masterclass… https://www.migs.ch/billeterie
A new composition, using the Boss RC-600. Chris composed this for Guitar and cello, with focus on the idea of two musicians using one loop pedal a BOSS RC-600 to be exact. Leonardo Mackenzie is on Cello.
Chris has been hosting and producing The Music Education Podcast since september 2020. Brought to you by SoundStorm and sponsored by Longy School of Music. The podcast has been growing exponentially and according to Podcast Host now has episodes regularly putting it in the top 25 percent of podcasts on earth. The Podcast has recently joined forces with Music Teacher Magazine, welcoming them as a media partner. You can read more by clicking the image.
A game changing composition. Created entirely from Guitar Samples. Watch the ‘making of/tutorial’ here.